Pollack Shores Joins Other Developers Betting on Spring Street
Press Release
Pollack Shores Real Estate Group is the latest Atlanta developer hoping to turn one of the city’s car-choked thoroughfares into a more walkable boulevard lined with apartments, restaurants and boutiques.
Pollock Shores plans a 256-unit apartment project along Spring Street, an important corridor for commuters driving into the heart of the city.
The property is known as 1270 Spring, which is tucked between several proposed developments along the corridor including MetLife Inc.’s 8-acre site just south of 17th Street; Amli Residential’s apartment project on the former Trump Towers site; MARTA’s Arts Center project; and the 15th Street extension to Williams Street. Read more about all the investment and development coming to Spring and West Peachtree in Friday's Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Pollack Shores presented the plans this past week to the Midtown Development Review Committee. The five-story project is also along the Downtown Connector and 16th Street and will include 13,500 square feet of retail.
Lord Aeck Sargent Inc. is the architect.
“Midtown, as with most of Atlanta, was developed almost exclusively along Peachtree Street,” said Tyler Gaines, development manager with Pollack Shores Real Estate Group.
“We are now seeing rapid growth of residential and office developments expanding the Midtown core west along Spring and West Peachtree.”
Read the full article here.